Genre Collection - Grade 3: Classroom Library
ISBN: 9781682887301
At Steps to Literacy, our goal is to help cultivate a student's love for reading. Our Choice and Voice collections are curated to showcase new, exciting, and diverse books with interesting stories and impacting visuals. We encourage all students have a voice and a choice in the books that they read. Our libraries and collections are built to entice students to learn more about themselves and the world they live in. Encourage a love for literature with these entertaining genre libraries. Containing popular topics covered in the third grade, students will love learning about notorious historical figures or relating to a realistic fiction.
Title List:
- Third Grade Genre Collection Biography: Variety Pack
- Third Grade Genre Collection High-Interest Nonfiction: Variety Pack
- Third Grade Genre Collection Historical Fiction: Variety Pack
- Third Grade Genre Collection Mystery: Variety Pack
- Third Grade Genre Collection Picture Books: Variety Pack
- Third Grade Genre Collection Poetry and Rhyme: Variety Pack
- Third Grade Genre Collection Realistic Fiction: Variety Pack
- Third Grade Genre Collection Traditional Tales: Variety Pack
Choice & Voice Classroom Library - Kindergarten - English: Classroom Library