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Own Voices First Grade: Variety Pack

$325.04 $433.38
ISBN: 9781642412369

When a child is reading, they are going to absorb more if they see themselves within the text. Whether they relate to the character or the experiences the character is going through, they find something to hold on to that aids them on their journey through the narrative. The books selected for our #OwnVoices collection have been chosen because they do just that with the author's unique and personal experiences as a guiding line for a reader to tether themselves, through these shared experiences, to the story.

Title List:

  • A New Home (HC)
  • A Piece of Home (HC)
  • Across the Bay (HC)
  • Alma and How She Got Her Name
  • Catch That Goat! A Market Day in Nigeria
  • Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story (HC)
  • Ganesha's Sweet Tooth
  • King for a Day
  • Leila in Saffron (HC)
  • Salam Alaikum: A Message of Peace (HC)
  • And 10 more titles ...

Min GRL: K

Max GRL: M

Fiction / Non-Fiction: Mixed

Language: English

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