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Pioneer Valley Level H: Variety Pack

$90.95 $121.26
ISBN: 9781642406993

Steps To Literacy is proud to partner with Pioneer Valley books in effort to expand the depth and breadth of our guided reading collections. Pioneer Valley books offers a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction titles and other resources for Reading Recovery, primary classroom, and literacy teachers. We share a similar mission: to make accessible engaging stories and teaching materials that help children to develop strong literacy skills and a love of reading.

Title List:

  • Dinosaurs and Fossils
  • In the Rainforest
  • Little Knight and the Flood
  • New Girl, The
  • Quack and the Eggs
  • Rosa Parks
  • Rusty's Big Move
  • Sea Horses
  • Shoemaker and the Elves, The
  • Where Does Your Pizza Come From?

Min GRL: H

Max GRL: H

Fiction / Non-Fiction: Mixed

Language: English

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