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Junie B. Jones Series: Variety Pack

$43.22 $57.63
ISBN: 9781595640666

Includes 10 unique titles from the series. Children of all ages will laugh and delight as the worlds funniest kindergartner hilariously deals with everything from a dumb new baby brother to trying to charm that handsome new kindergarten boy. Each chapter book contains rich dialogue and lively, fast paced text. 66 - 71 pp.

Title List:

  • Junie B. Jones And A Little Monkey Business
  • Junie B. Jones And Her Big Fat Mouth
  • Junie B. Jones And Some Sneaky Peeky Spying
  • Junie B. Jones And The Stupid Smelly Bus
  • Junie B. Jones Has A Monster Under Her Bed
  • Junie B. Jones Has A Peep In Her Pocket
  • Junie B. Jones Is A Graduation Girl
  • Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day
  • Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren
  • Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy

Packaging: Variety Pack

Min GRL: M

Max GRL: M

Fiction / Non-Fiction: Fiction

Language: English

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