Read Alouds
We choose our read-aloud picture books based on engaging storylines, relatable characters, beautiful illustrations or pictures, and (most importantly) strong literacy elements.
You can use these collections to:
- Model reading strategies (such as making inferences)
- Entertain and engage students with laughter, questions, and/or introspection
- Allow students to picture-walk during independent reading time
- Scaffold students reading ability with interesting and accessible titles
NGSS Read Aloud Collection - Grade 1: Variety Pack
NGSS Read Aloud Collection - Grade 2: Variety Pack
NGSS Read Aloud Collection - Kindergarten: Variety Pack
Pre-K English Read Alouds: Variety Pack
Complete Pre-K Starter Library: Classroom Library
Pre-K Starter Read Aloud Collection: Variety Pack
Pre-K Spanish Read Alouds: Variety Pack
Read-Aloud Winter PreK-Grade 2: Variety Pack
Read-Aloud Summer PreK-Grade 2: Variety Pack
Read-Aloud Spring PreK-Grade 2: Variety Pack
Read-Aloud Seasons PreK-Grade 2: Variety Pack
Read-Aloud Autumn PreK-Grade 2: Variety Pack
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