Publisher Resources

During the time of Covid-19 our publishing partners have come together to offer support materials for teachers and parents. Please find links below to what we hope will be some useful resources. Wishing everyone continued good health.

Stay Home with Candlewick Press - A YouTube channel with educational videos for teachers and students, writing prompts, science experiments, and more!

Epic is offering their Remote Student Access for free by request through educators featuring an entire library of great titles.
HarperCollins Publishers to Acquire Thomas Nelson | STM Publishing ... With each of their divisions providing a different content including online read alongs, games, and activities, Harper At Home is a great hub resource.
Collecting materials to help parents work with their children at home, Holiday House's Resources To Learn Remotely offers a large archive of downloadable materials and links for parents, educators, and librarians
The Library of Congress has put together an entire page of materials, ENGAGE! including weekly programming and classes for educators
Nomad's Learning Center offers pages full of downloadable projects, experiments, and guides to aid in remote learning.
Orca Books has provided a free read-along copy of their book On the News: Our First Talk About Tragedy to help children and caregivers alike in understanding each other in the current environment.
Penguin Random House has created Read Together, Be Together, a site to help families connect with their children through reading. It provides book lists, interviews with respected authors and tips on how to make reading time special. 
#SaveWithStories - To aid in helping children who have lost meal programs, Scholastic is partnering with actors such as Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams to do online read-alongs to drive donations. You can find a lot on their Instagram.

Scholastic is offering some great resources for continuing education at Scholastic's 'Learn at Home' Initiative - Daily lessons covering lessons for Grades K-9 

Selections from Big Book of Holidays and Cultural Celebrations, with fun activities based around upcoming holidays and observances.
Simon & Schuster have put together a list of sites and programs available to help you further with your home education:
WeAreTeachers We Are Teachers features a regular updating blog and a multitude of resources for educators, parents, and students. Check out these Free Printables and tons more.
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