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Express YourSELF! 7 Therapeutic Art Activities - (24 Sets)

$249.99 $333.23

When a child is developing their awareness of the world, a lot of times it is done through art and crafts. This kit provides hours of creativity and guidance for a child or elementary classroom.  With 7 different activities, from journaling to bracelet making to painting, the sky is the limit on letting an imagination run free. 

The kits contains:
- Gratitude Garland (individual or collaborative activity)
- Imagine Your Own Superhero Poster - makes 24
- "Be You" Stretch Bracelet - makes 50
- Favorite Thing Canvas Painting -makes 24
- "I Am" Collage Poster w/Positive Personality Traits - makes 24
- "I Am Grateful For" Fabric Wall Hanging/Quilt (collaborative activity) - 25 squares to decorate and assemble into 1 wall hanging
- Color-Your-Own Gratitude Journal (with daily prompts) - 24 journals

All contained in a high quality and space saving tote.

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